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[Closed] What Are You Smoking? May, 2024

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GH Rum Flake was calling to me, I’m smoking it in a BC calabash. 

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Breaking in latest newly-refurbished pipe with G L Pease “Samarra”.

Very happy with “Princess Leah”. Wide open draft and meerschaum spacer/filter at bottom of bowl make this an excellent smoker - cool & dry.

Small-ish bowl, shallower than it is wide, is perfect for stronger, more complex English/Balkan/Scottish blends.

Took me 1/2 hour to get through a 1.5g bowl-full.

About my speed and dosage for such blends during the day.

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pipozzo volante
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Classy pipe, classy lighter, classy tamper 🧐 

There's some high level here!

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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I have some tins of Samarra, and also Caravan and Spark Plug aging and the wait is getting very long. I never smoked them before.

pipozzo volante
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Let us know about them! I never tried them either...

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Every G.L. Pease Latakia blend I have tried was from excellent to exceptional. They share all I remember from the great blends of the Old Good Times (Before 1980). Odyssey provided me an emotion comparable to the one I felt when smoked Balkan Sobranie for the first time, a BS tin from 1976. I think they will maintain the tone of the Latakia blends of the brand. I have much expectation with Spark Plug and Samarra.

I´ll keep you updated.

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Could you share your impressions about Samarra?

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Simply put, Samarra has been my #1 favorite English blend for 10 years. And, I have a lifetime supply aging - such that when I open each tin, it’s already aged 8-10 years. I like it best mellowed and complex. IMO, none better. But, there’s no accounting for personal taste, so, I don’t want to get your hopes up that you will love it as much as I do. It’s merely a distinct medium English that became my comfortable “home base” that I will always have.

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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After some trials I found that Oriental tobacco lightly sprayed with died apricot essence (according @Ted method) works very well with the aged Virginias of Best Brown Flake and a pinch of pure Cyprus Latakia. I love the result so much that I´m going to incorporate it into my summer rotation. I have named it "Ted´s Oriental Wet Dream". 

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pipozzo volante
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AHAHAH! Jaysus 🤣 

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hahahahahaha  🤣 🤣 

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Wet is because it is necessary to wet the orientals a bit with the dried Apricot essence made according Ted´s recipe.

pipozzo volante
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Smoking my personal "Mischione Inglese", the mélange af all the ends of my english mixtures.

Started good, a bit more strong at the end, the sky is grey but it doesn't rain; not bad...

In my nice Armellini dublin 😊 


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pipozzo volante
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Strange finale of this mixture: a light flavor of beer within the woody perfumes  🤨 

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Finishing my tin of Mac Baren Vanilla Flake. What a good baccy. 

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There are some stripes and small chunks of tobacco that I´ll add to my Frankenstein jar 

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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I´ll start a Frankentein jar. 

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I throw all my scraps in a jar. I smoke a bowl when I'm bored. Usually pretty good despite being burley, several VAs, Latakia, dark fired, orientals, and often a few crumbs of an oddball aromatic 

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I'm going to do that too! I do it with whisky already with surprisingly good results hope it turns out the same with tobacco. Time will tel.

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Bari potiard again. This time it's Sutliff Stoved VA, Red Mature VA and toasted burley about 1/3 each. Splash of perique. Zeroing in on something pretty darned good.

This stoved VA is special. 

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Smoking some Bosun Cut Plug. This came in pretty darn dry. Not as sweet as the plug I got from Ted. I'm thinking Ted's been aged quite a bit. Lol

Still very nice. Oh it's in my Ukrainian. And I shaved my beard for summer. Lol

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Hey! Yeah, off the top of my head, the Bosun I sent you had four or five years in the jar. 

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This morning I mixed 

40% CB Royal

40% Scotty's Bass Pond

10% Visions of Celephais

It was a very pleasing smoke. 

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Always good when Zig and Ron check in. Howdy, fellas.

I'm enjoying some old Star Of The East in the new morta. I'm a believer. I love this pipe so far. So light. As reported it does real justice to Latakia. I've had no strange tastes. And it's a good smoker. Stays lit. 



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That's a pretty pipe.

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I agree 100% !!  Nice patterns in the wood.

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It’s been a long, busy day. 1792 Flake in a BC Origine is helping with unwinding.

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Presbyterian Ordained flake, folded and stuffed in GBD Cutty.

(Btw, swapped out the wire cage that used to be this pipe’s moisture trap with a meerschaum spacer - noticeable improvement).

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Havent been able to get on the last few days. Having a bowl of one of my customs blends from a few months ago. Bright VA blend and dark fired Kentucky that favors Mac Baren Dark Twist.

Waiting on my order to come in a day or 2. Only getting the Canadian lemon and bright leaf for now. I've had the bright leaf before and it's very Samuel Gawith-like. 

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Returned to McConnell Oriental.

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One from yesterday - My Mixture 965 in my Vauen New York Rhodesian 

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Vauen pipes seem like a good value. I need a Rhodey. That's a sharp one. 

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I'm very fond of it, and this line is especially affordable. One of my favorite pipes under $100 that wasn't an estate. 

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Third morning in in a row with the Bari and homebrewed Burley base with Sutliff stoved VA. I'm starting to crave this stuff. I'm also a little pissed I listened to all the "Catsup" hate about McClelland and didn't smoke their VAs back then. 

pipozzo volante
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C&D Bayou Morning Flake in this awfully bad balanced but funny Peterson.

I'm still not being so satisfied by this flake 🤔 

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Today i started smoking Cascadia Downwind and now I´m smoking Peterson Flake. 

It´s holiday here today so there are at least 2 more bowls to be smoked during the day!  😎 🤠 

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Mac Baren Virginia No. 1 in my trusty TV churchwarden. Sweet, fruity light Virginia was sounding really good today. It’s been a little while since I smoked this and I may stick with it for a while. 

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Illustrious Member
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It’s way beyond time to re-organize my cellar as well, it took me fifteen minutes to find my jar of Virginia No. 1. That was 15 minutes I could have been smoking. 

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I remember the picture of your cellar and 15 minutes is not that long considering that incredible amount of tobaccos, and to be honest, that cellar is really well organized bro.

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Order has broken down since I took those photos 🙂. That was just after a reorganization. Plus new whole leaf acquisitions ended up taking up much of the floor space since then. 

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I've got a couple ozs but haven't tried it yet. I'll have to give it a whirll. 

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DGTing a bowl of Stirling Flake in the Mario Grandi poker from last night. 

This pipe has lost its job as primary Lancer's slices smoker and is being repurposed as a general flake pipe. Damned mortas out here stealing briar jobs! 😂

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Having some mac baren golden in a cob. This blend is growing on me.

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The one you are smoking is this blend here?

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Ha! I came here to post the link and ask if this is the one Rene is smoking. 

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🤣 🍻 

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Yes, that's it, It's called golden extra in america for some reason. It's really smooth and burns very well. Does wonders in a cob so I think you'll enjoy it

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Decided to stick with lighter Virginias, but I’ve moved on to Watch City’s Christmas 2022 blend, Mistletoe Jam. 

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