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[Closed] What Are You Smoking? June, 2024

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Tuggle Pucking Hall in a small Orlik billiard. 


Purple Potato
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Here goes for my first try of one of my new tobaccos. 🙃 Exciting.

This pipe, btw, I have no idea what it even is. It was a cheap pipe I purchased online for about 35 euros. I forget what brand it was. It has nothing stamped on it but "Made in Italy".

I dunno. Smokes really quite well and everything seems to be drilled straight an in-order so not sure why someone didn't want to put their name to this. But I like it very much and am thankful to have it in my collection. I will buff the matte finish up to a glassy polish one day to give her the respect she deserves.


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Purple Potato
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Man I'm loving this stuff.

And ... if you can't be bothered emailing @Lee ... check out my review of this tobacco. 🙂

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I’ve emailed you 😊

Purple Potato
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Weird. I didn't get any email.

Anyway, I think the above review tells you everything you need to know. 😊 Good luck and let me know how it goes.

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captaineight at ?

Have you checked your spam folder, just in case?

Purple Potato
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I've replied now. 🙂

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Strange smoking day today: first mac baren navy flake knocked me off my feet and now virginia nr 1 is biting me. 

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I’m back to smoking my latest PS81 blend. Right now in a TV churchwarden. 

Purple Potato
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Very pleased with the first two sampled of my new tobbys. I had a bowl of RM Scottish Flake earlier this evening. It will take a lot more smoking and consideration before I form a concrete opinion, but it was interesting and I enjoyed it.

Now I'm being a bit greedy and having half a bowl of Wallace Flake before bed because I was just too curious. And I really like this stuff. I'm not sure if you'd call this an "aromatic", but if you would, then it's the best one I've ever had. The flavouring tastes natural and is subtle enough that the smoke still tastes very much like tobacco, but also noticeable enough that you won't forget it's there. But only just. Which is kind of perfect in my book, at-least for a quote-aromatic-unquote.

Will post reviews of both after I've got more experience with them.

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GH Rum Flake in my newest Savinelli 315KS. 

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Joined: 3 months ago Mystery Blend #2 in a bent cob Diplomat apple.

This is good stuff. Nice easy going, smooth, burley base. Stays interesting. Nice subtle cocoa sweetness but not candy like. Burns easy and slow. Could be an every day/all day. 

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I’m smoking my most recent mini blend experiment, 90% PS81, 6% Perique and 4% Tennessee Dark Fire Cured in a TV churchwarden.

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Sutliff “PIPE FORCE II” in group 3 Bent Billiard.

Stocking up on this stuff.

Unusual, complex, well-integrated, medium English - this is right in the sweet spot in the center of my “swim lane”. Not an “all-day, everyday smoke”, but then again, unlike most here, I am not yet an “all-day, everyday” smoker. If I was, this wouldn’t be it. (Would go more toward mild Va’s and Medium Burleys.) This is a special treat! And, I must say to Per Jensen, “Sir, you put the one-time limited supply of Perique-processed Katerini to its ultimate use in this masterpiece blend! Thank you very much!”

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C&D Odessa

In the Orlik billiard 

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GH Brown Bogie in an antique French clay. 

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Anthology, in a Ginger’s favourite, on a rather rainy day.

Tobacco tastes very different in a new pipe. Still enjoyable, just different.

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Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Still with Robert McConnell Oriental. In various Squat bulldog pipes

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Not as time-adjacent to my last smoke as the post indicates, but with a couple of hours in between. Bob’s Chocolate Flake in a Bay Prince.

The rain has stopped. Good news for my daughters, both of whom are working at, and attending, the Roskilde Festival

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I really like this blend. A rather sweet tasting tobacco that produces an aroma acceptable to my youngest daughter 😄

Happy Piping
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Had family over for the weekend. 
I love it, but Sunday afternoon I feel exhausted. 
Savinelli Roma Lucite 673 KS with Amphora Burley. I really like this Tobacco! Best Burley in the price range.

Happy Piping
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Since I didn’t find the time to smoke much this weekend the last bowl will be followed right away by St. Bernard Flake by DTM. An ok VA/PER. 

Happy Piping
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I do prefer HBS over Amphora Burley. But HBS is about 18-19€ for 2 ounces over here. So Amphora beats in the price range. C&D just emphasize more on the „actual tobacco taste“. I do tire of that at times.

narrowing down on 5 blends I said? How though?

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Happy Piping
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*Don’t tire of that! 
HBS isn’t pure burley tho.

Happy Piping
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England! Euros! I am going nuts! Is this real? 

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Back from the brink?!!

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Managed to sneak in a third bowl today: Doblone d’Oro, in my new El-Dagner nose warmer. I’ll be smoking this blend often this summer, I think. Smooth, subtle and interesting; my kind of tobacco!

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It really is a tobacco that is kind of a hidden gem. I rarely see it talked about. 

Happy Piping
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I agree

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Just polished a cob full of D&R Two Timer. Man what nice burley. Light and sweet but has some body and just enough nicotine. I'd have no problem smoking it straight as an all day. But I think it will be a fabulous mixer. Arrives on the dry side, which means you get a huge pound for $21. Really hard to beat.


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Two Timer and Three Sails are my two favorites out of the D&R bunch, but there are other good ones. Definitely an outstanding value. 

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I used to buy 3 Sails by the 5 pounds for RYO. I've been enjoying some old PS Toasted Burley which is now discontinued. I was looking for a toasted burley when I recalled Two Timer is double toasted. And it's delicious. 

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Amphora full in my falcon.

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My taste isn't completely back yet. Some of my favorites are still coming across as acrid, but ODF is fine. I'm smoking some in my cob. A great smoke.

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