
Individual tastes
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Individual tastes

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It's interesting to me when a blend just absolutely doesn't agree with someone. I can pretty much smoke anything and enjoy it. 

But I tried Steamworks again first smoke of the day yesterday and it ruined me for the day. I get no flavor from it, I fried my tongue and even had a bit of a sore throat And nothing I smoked the rest of the day tasted good. 

It's a grandslam blend for most and I'm quickly developing a complete aversion. 

I'm going to try once more but let it get really dry. It is pretty wet out of the tin. I dried it for about an hour yesterday but it still just tasted like, well, steam

Anybody have a similar reaction to an obviously quality blend that others enjoy? 

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Interesting reaction, there isn’t anything unusual in it such as flavoring one might be sensitive to, etc. That’s a mystery to me, but just steam (which seems slightly funny considering the name of the blend) and burnt tongue sounds like smoking issues rather than the tobacco. 

I’ve only ever had bad reactions to some flavorings that I seem to be hypersensitive to, which ruin my sense of taste for a couple of days. Half and Half is like that for me, I think of it as half tobacco, half burning polystyrene. Even worse to me is Wilke Peanut Butter, it took four days to get over that experience and I didn’t even smoke the bowl past getting it lit. 

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Oh I absolutely believe part if not all of it is smoking issues, including my piss poor "technique", the wetness of the flakes and the pipe. I tried it in my little mershaum and I'm now convinced that pipe sucks. We'll actually it doesn't suck.😂 I can barely force a regular pipe cleaner through the airway. I have no idea why people make pipes with extra tight draws. All I know is it's not for me. Back on ebay it will go.

In any event. I'm not blaming the blend. But it's like getting puking drunk on a particular booze. Hard to get back on that horse. 

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I completely get that analogy 😃.

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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I have had bad reactions long time ago, and I don't rule out the possibility that my inexperience and poor technique were part of the problem, but the reactions were strong enough to avoid those blends forever. The blends were in no particular order:

State Express Roundels, Dunhill Three Year Matured Virginia, Half and Half and Prince Albert.

I have more tobaccos in my "Never again list", but none of them caused me a bad reaction, simple I did´n liked them.

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Thankfully, my “never again” list is empty …so far.

But, I have had a very similar “off on the wrong foot” experience. Mine was with Seattle Pipe Club’s “Give Me Liberty” - played out alot like yours at first - but it’s smoking fine for me now.

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For me so far it's vapers. Some people love them. I've only had Chenet's Cake and I didn't find it offensive, just not my thing. I parked it for a couple of months and went back with the same result so in my case it's just something my tastebuds don't want.

In your case if you can't find any takers for it I still think if you let it sit for a while you might get a different result.


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Purple Potato
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I took me a while to really appreciate VApers. And I believe that's fairly common actually. They're somewhat considered "the experienced pipe smoker's smoke".

My "aha" moment came when watching a Dale Piper video on pipe-smoking for beginners. I mean ... I've been smoking a pipe on and off (mostly off tbh) for about 10 years but still consider myself a beginner. 🤣 He suggested only smoking one of a few very standard VApers until you get the hang of it. The packing, lighting, smoking it cool without burning the pipe or your tongue, keeping it lit, etc.

I had Capstan Navy Blue on hand and took his advice with that.

At first at just tasted like tobacco. Maybe even a roll-your-own cigarette (not my jam at all). By the end of the experiment, my appreciation grew not only for that blend, not only for VApers, but for ALL pipe tobacco in general, including English and even aromatics. It's really something worth doing, I think. 

Kind of like going on a diet of only-potatoes or something for a week. Afterwards you not only know a lot about the nuances of potatoes and how to prepare them, but also your appreciation for everything else and sense of taste really improves.

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Hi there Mr.Potato.

First, I always appreciate the input whether I like the advice or not, so thank you for that. Having said that, what you're proposing sounds a bit like punishment. I haven't detected any problems with packing/lighting and I rarely have tongue-bite issues with any blend. I think solely focusing on vapers for a period of time WOULD help to develop a taste for them which I think is happening a bit anyway because I do keep going back to it.

In all honesty, I appreciate the principle and do think it could work but I don't see myself committing to smoking something I don't like for an indefinite period when there is so much other stuff I could smoke that I like. Basically why would I try to get my body to accept something it doesn't want when I like 90% of everything else out there? 

We're all getting older and only so much time to smoke so I guess I want to make it count when I do. 

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I guess I'm not an experienced enough pipe smoker to know what I like after close to 20 years. 

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My journey of blend discovery has barely started and it's a lot of fun so far, though I guess there is something to be said for the anticipation right before you light something you love. Anyway, just for clarity, when I say 90% of what's out there I mean types/styles of tobaccos. I guess like most people I have my "must haves" but so far I can smoke and enjoy most things. 🍺 

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I never experienced tongue bite smoking English Mixtures, only aromatics, IMO it says something.

I love aromatics, but they were the last one to get used to once i had the worst experiences at the very beginning, after managed a good cadence i really started to enjoy them. After that, i only experienced tongue bite when filled my bowl too tight, so due to the lack of oxygen between the tobacco, i had to sip strongly or lightened the tobacco more times which i believe could improve the burnt feeling. 

About sore throat none of the tin tobaccos i had were aggressive, i was cigarette smoker so the tobacco has to be really rough to make me feel bad in this way.

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**My never again list only includes few Brazilian blends.

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I’m too inexperienced to have a “Never again list”. There are a few blends I haven’t enjoyed at first attempt, but plenty that I went on to enjoy at a later date. So, I figure I’ll just wait a bit with those blends that don’t tickle my tastebuds in an enjoyable way.

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Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Have you smoked the all 80+ blends you have in your cellar and don´t have a "Never again list"?. If so, you have a very open and cosmopolitan taste, which I think is a great virtue that demonstrates that you really love tobacco. 

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There’s a time and place for every blend! 😊

pipozzo volante
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Quite the same experience with Bayou Morning Flake, we really couldn't get along...

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HH Burley Flake gives me heartburn for whatever reason, although I otherwise like the blend.

And some MacBaren blends like Dark Twist Rolls, Navy Flake, Plum Cake, Scottish Blend as well as their Amphora aromatics always leave a bitter and tongue-bitey mouthfeel behind, and I smoke slow and never have issues with tongue bite with any other blends. I think it's due to the casing on those blends.

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No fui capaz de llegar a consumir ni un cuarto de Blood Red Moon de Cult. Cada fumada era como un shock de azucar... sin mencionar que la lengua me quedaba como globo.

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Instead putting into the garbage you could exchange it with someone here. 

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Yep. I never throw tobacco away.  Almost always I'm glad I didn't. Something like this Cherry aro might scrstch an itch some day, even as just a one bowl sprinkle. I have a couple ozs of Lane Black Raspberry that I'd never smoke on its own. But I bought it specifically to add a little candy to other blends when I have a sweet tooth

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We are on the same page. 🤜🤛

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As a new smoker, it mystifies me that one day, a tobacco tastes amazing, and the next I can’t put the pipe down fast enough (looking at you, Stokkebye coins).


But in my own case it’s clearly technique and inexperience.  In time, I’m sure it will make sense. 😕 

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I keep thinking the same thing. But I still have slumps. 

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I’m pretty far from a new smoker and I still have experiences like that occasionally. I just write it off to wrong time for that tobacco, my moods change my tastes. 

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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I think that I developed aversion for some kind of tobaccos partly because my poor technique, but the aversion was so violent that I have not tried them again.

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That is my temptation also.  However, I am too thrifty to ever discard a tobacco. It will just sit on the shelf until I forget why I abandoned it in the first place. 🙄 

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Most of those tobaccos are no longer available, but if they were, I maybe could give them a second chance 30 or 40 years later.

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Yes, Stokkebye coins! Just had my first taste of them and I wasn’t impressed. Burned really hot, despite being dried and packed well. Bit bitey. And a bit… erm… salty.

I’ll try again another day.

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It's like food I guess. As good as they are I don't ALWAYS feel like eating a burger.

Purple Potato
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I feel like I should not be dishing out advice, but in my personal experience, I have found pipe tobacco to be quite odd and quite unlike other similar things, in that the more I smoke something, the more I appreciate it.

With a lot of other things, I just get sick of it and it turns me off. It's the opposite with pipe smoking.

The post up there somewhere I made about VApers is one example of that. Another is my Marybelone that I've been smoking quite a bit of over the last week. I'm out at my friend's holiday house and I took only a few tobaccos with me (intentionally). One aromatic, one english and one VAper. The English I took was probably my least favourite in my collection - Marybelone. Which is not to say I disliked it. I just wasn't particularly impressed.

After a week of having that as my only English blend, I've really grown to appreciate it. Last night I had a bowl before bed and it was honestly one of my best smokes of the year. Just fantastic. I was sitting there thinking, "why can't it always be like this?". I could really taste the tiny nuances in the tobacco and the dry, fragrant-burning-wood-type flavour of the Latakia and Oriental combination was so deeply satisfying. 

Where as before it was my "least favourite" English in my collection, now I'm starting to freak out about how quickly I'm going through the tin and wondering how many I should buy to cellar.

Had a similar experience with Capstan Navy Blue.

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The tongue’s a weird thing, mine can get ruined from all sorts of stuff. Better to just put the tobacco away until I feel “hungry” for whatever tobacco again, and then the romance returns.

On the other hand, after smoking half a can of Warhorse Bar… I just can’t again. The smell of the tin makes me want to puke! Like a Glade air freshener in a hospital restroom. No thanks!

Sir Otter
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Only those with a steel tongue can smoke Dan Tobacco — Milonga without a tongue bite. 

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Tonight I smoked a bowl of C&D Odessa which was OK. Maybe a bit thin compared to my expectations, but quite smokable. But it is very oriental forward and I have a similar dry sore throat, I noticed after smoking Steamworks.. It's minor and no big deal. But I'm wondering if a particular C&D oriental doesn't agree with me. The thing is I've smoked loads of Star Of The East which also features Turkish Izmir. I'd think C&D would use the same Turkish in both those blends. 


