
The YTPC - YouTube ...
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The YTPC - YouTube Pipe Community - what's the dealio?

Purple Potato
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Can someone fill me in? I'm confused. What is this?

Sometimes I like to relax and listen to pipe-related content on YouTube and I've noticed a lot of guys talking about "The YTPC". So after a bit of digging I've figured out it's a YouTube Pipe Community.

So I thought I may as well join. Not necessarily to make videos, but maybe one day I might have something to say, who knows? Certainly not now. But I wanted to explore it a bit anyway.

... but I have no idea how it works. Is it some group you  join somewhere? Is there a button you press to join? Or is just anyone who makes videos regarding pipes?

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I've seen the same.  I just assume one would self-declare to be a part of the community.  It's not like citizenship, enrolling in a college or even getting a job.  


Just pronounce you are part of it and address the collective honorably and courteously at the beginning of every video as if you were appearing in front of a judge. 😘 

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It’s just people posting videos regarding pipe smoking on YouTube and the people watching them. There’s no “club”. There are people posting videos who coordinate their videos and content though and some people posting videos have created blend clubs, etc., but it’s a free for all.


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I love this topic...


Okay - my opinion - most of the content creators are talking-heads, very opinionated on politics, ideology, product reviews (can be helpful), or pipe technique (also helpful). And so, most I just don't have an affinity for...but their content does get more of the word out, encouraging interest in the hobby (which I like).

Over the years, I almost exclusively watch: NWPipeSmoker - Tom he's just a humble guy, in front of the camera, socializing through a smoking session with YOU, the viewer. Really cool, low-key presenter, just talking about life. To me, that's the essence of the YTPC format. The others, I believe, are simply trying to form a supplemental income through monetization.

Do some viewing of your own, and you'll naturally find some channels that connect with you. Again though, most just aren't my cup of tea. A guilty pleasure is watching (cellar collection) videos though! 😀 ...those are always fun. I like PeacePipeMan too:

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If you haven’t seen it, @Lee started a great thread on this a while back-

Purple Potato
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Yes, and obviously you linked to my post there. At the time I made the post, I didn't think he was referring to an actual "official" organisation. Or even a loosely official one. I thought he was just saying "people who post about pipes on YouTube". When Dale Piper (who I suggested in that thread), mentioned "The YTPC" I thought he was talking about some brick and mortar "old codger" club that he went to in person.

So what I was getting at with this thread was more, "how does it work?". But if - as I said in my above reply - it's literally just people uploading content to YouTube and saying, "Hello - I now self designate myself a member of the club", then that's fine I guess.

I just found this "YouTube Page" that seemed to be some kind of "group page" but no way to join it...

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I understand and my reply was to @CINEMA in case he hadn’t seen the other thread. 

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Thank you both...I'll be checking out that thread too! 🙂 

Purple Potato
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Ah ... whoops! My mistake. That explains that then. 😊 My apologies.

Purple Potato
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I've actually already subscribed to that NWPipeSmoker bloke. I like him. I will also check out the other one you recommended.

I don't think monetization is an issue: as far as I understand it, anything pipe or tobacco related is banned from monetization. Which I think is very silly. We don't nee YouTube to be the moral police. But it is what it is, no use getting upset over it.

I agree, I don't like the political stuff either. I've started watching a few "pipe" videos where they begin to go off on political or societal tangents. Even if I happen to agree with them in part or even full, it's not what I came for, and it's also annoying. Political opinions are like butt holes.  Everyone has one, they're not pretty, and nobody wants yours shoved in their face uninvited. So I don't usually stick around on those channels.

What I was more after is the mechanics of it. Like, how does it work? But it's literally just people posting videos and saying, "Hey I'm now part of the YTPC!"?

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NWPipeSmoker says it best, in that YTPC is "socializing through a smoke" as though you were sat right next to your go-to pipe buddy or group of smoking friends - to discuss general piping topics: show off a new pipe, share favorite tobacco blends, or just share how life is going (intentionally generalize for privacy). Muttnchop Piper has a list of 'etiquette' guidelines, that I find summarize the great channels too (respectful, objective, articulate):


Purple Potato
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I will watch that too.

I will say that I was disappointed to hear about in-fighting and dick-measuring going on within the YTPC. I don't know anything at all about it, but it seems there was a bit of it recently.

One thing that I immediately recognized on this forum at least, and that I really appreciated, was that everyone was nice and respectful of each other. Brothers (and sisters?) in the briar. People don't seem to get offended easily and are happy for others to have other opinions or to teach other people or to just sit and listen. Nobody is fighting or taking stuff personally, even when they disagree. I know I've said a few things where I've thought, "ooops, I hope that guy doesn't take that wrong", only to find a completely cordial and polite response. I like that.

Being offended is not a virtue. Being hard to offend is a virtue. A lot of the posters here seem to have that quality and I aspire to it myself.

I have a little theory that pipe smoking and the associated introspection is responsible for a lot of chill in this place. 🙂

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Posts: 71 the bickering bits, "people will people." Like a traffic accident, it's best to keep hands on 10-and-2, avoid the rubber-necking, and just keep moving forward.

Agreed - a majority of the community are stellar, patient men & women; it's an integral part of the hobby for me.

Purple Potato
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P.S. I am watching that video now and I noticed he has a "join" feature, which you pay money for.

So obviously I was wrong about the monetization comment. I just saw another video where the guy claimed he couldn't monetize tobacco related videos. Maybe he meant something else. Having ads on them or something...

