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Greetings from the Midwest USA

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Hello, I am khiddy, a resident of South Bend, Indiana, where I work as a communications specialist at a local institution of higher learning (one with a golden dome of some renown).

I've been smoking pipes and cigars off and on since college, more than 30 years, though it's only in the past year that I've begun being serious about pipes and pipe tobacco, by reading various fora, buying estate pipes, and trying lots of different blends and styles.

Some of my current favorite blends include the Peterson line of English blends (EMP, MM965, Nightcap), as well as my current favorite VA, Royal Yacht. I haven't yet dabbled in Balkans, but that's the style that I'll be trying next.

I love a bargain, so I like stocking match blends in bulk, and then blending them to fit my palate (e.g., blending Sutliff Match Sunrise with H&H Daybreak to make a blend I like even more than their OG inspiration, EMP). I've also done some home topping and pressing, but nothing too wacky yet - trying to develop a bulk blend that displays the characteristics of my beloved Royal Yacht is my current obsession (any suggestions out there?).

I look forward to learning from you all, and discovering new smokes and pipes.

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Welcome aboard from a fellow midwesterner--Minneapolis. I've never done my own blending, but, you'll find a wealth of suggestions from the boys here. Ted, Joseph, Lee, Relight, Ziggmeister, etc. have all made my taste buds tingle with their blending suggestions. Hope you find it equally interesting.

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Howdy Partner, from Texas. 🤠  That’s a good callout, for using match blends as a foundation for your own blend concoctions. When you perfect your go to “Khiddy” blend, let me know. I’ll want to try it too. I’ve tried Royal Yacht once before, and I remember quite liking it.

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Welcome from Denver.

I'm a bit of a bulk hoarder and mixer upper myself. When you nail that Royal Yacht please share the recipe. 😂

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Hello from Michigan! I’ve been smoking Royal Yacht since last night and will probably continue it throughout today. While I have, and will continue playing with plum extract casings, I haven’t attempted a direct copy of Royal Yacht yet. If/when I do, I will definitely share my experiments and please do if you come up with a recipe! 

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Hello and welcome from Brazil !! 🍻 

Juan José Pascual Lobo
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Hello and welcome from Spain. I just on occasion contamine Oriental tobacco with dried apricot extract according @Ted extract recipe published some months ago in this forum. And It works!

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Hello and welcome from California 👋🤠

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Welcome aboard, from Denmark!

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Joined: 3 weeks ago

Thank you, everyone for your kind welcome!

As a quick preview in response to your comments, the current recipe for my Royal Yacht homage (called "MYOTT") follows. Note, it departs from RY in that it's not 100% Virginia – I'm trying to reproduce the OG's tin & room note, plus its strength, so I use some perhaps unexpected tobaccos in the blend.


  • 3x Cornell & Diehl Yorktown (base Virginia)
  • 1x Hearth & Home Louisiana Red (adds plum & pepper)
  • 1x Five Brothers (for strength)
  • 0.5x Sutliff Rum Raisin (for fruit notes)
  • 0.5x Sutliff Spiced Rum (for fruit notes)

Blend first two tobaccos by hand. Microwave for 15 seconds, then mist lightly with plum topping (4:1 slivovitz to prune juice). Let cool to room temp for 10 minutes, hand mixing several times as it cools. Add 3 other tobaccos, mix well. Rest for 24-48 hours before smoking.

Posts: 86
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Welcome from the Twin Cities of the Midwest, also. That’s two of us.

Your blending is an interesting pursuit. I’ll follow that with interest. 🙂 

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Hey there from Canada.

